Tuesday, March 31, 2009

PDG Bob Callender

I regret to inform everyone that PDG Bob Callender (DG Kitty's husband) died early Friday morning, March 27, 2009. Please keep his family in your thoughts and prayers. A memorial service will be held in his honor on April 4th in Ruidoso, NM at the convention center. Please email me, Lion David, at dcvalenz@hotmail.com for more information. Lion Kitty, on behalf of our entire club, we offer you our deepest condolences, prayers, and love.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The New Lions Den!

Just a reminder:

The Deming Wildcats Lions will meet today in their newly named "Lions Den" at Rancher's Grill Steak House, 316 E. Cedar, at 6:30pm! Thank you again to the management of Racher's Grill for letting us name our meeting area after ourselves!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Officer Nominations:

This is the list of officer nominations. The floor will be opened at the next meeting for any additional nominations. Voting will be in April by ballot.

President: David Valenzuela
Vice Pres: Karen Schalip
Sec/Treas: Toby Soderberg
Member Chair: Virginia Chavez
Tail Twister: Nancy Hollenbeck
Lion Tamer: Wayne Krack

***Next meeting will be March 24 (TOMORROW) at 6:30pm.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Yesterday's Meeting

Thank you to all who attended yesterday's meeting. There are many Lions projects coming up. Please mark these important dates on your calendar:

March 24- Next Club Meeting 6:30pm @ Rancher's Grill
April 10- Beef Raffle Drawing 10:00am
April 11- Children's Easter Egg Hunt 8:30am Girl Scout Park
April 28- New Officer Elections (tentative)
May 28 to 31- State Lions Convention, Farmington

At yesterday's meeting, the floor was opened for nomination of officers. The floor will be opened once again at the next meeting for any additional nominees. Please continue to sell Beef Raffle tickets. Sales are going really well so far!

Please keep PDG Bob Callender and PDG Lee Boyd Montgomery in your prayers. They are both progressing well, but are still in need of prayer.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Fire up the grill!

Spring is just around the corner! That means Summer follows right behind it! And that means: B-B-Q SEASON!!! Rib-eye, T-Bone, Fillets, NY Strips, Ribs...all so mouth-watering! Ok. Now that we're all salivating, here's the deal. Our club is having a Spring Beef Raffle. Our local Pepper's Supermarket has graciously allowed us to raffle off gift certificates for the purchase of beef at their store! The prizes are as follows: 1st- $250.00* 2nd-$75.00* 3rd-$50.00*
The donation is $1.00 per ticket or 6 tickets for $5.00. See any Lions member or email Lion David at dcvalenz@hotmail.com for more information. The Drawing will be held April 10, 2009! Need not be present to win!

*Tickets are not redeemable for cash. Prizes are given in the form of gift certificates redeemable only at Deming's Pepper's Supermarket.

A Great Breakfast!

Our Biscuits and Gravy breakfast was really delicious and a ton of fun! Many thanks to all fellow Lions that came from far and wide to eat and talk with us! A huge thank you to our local community as well for all your help and support. We would like to extend a HUGE thank you to K-Mart of Deming for their donations to our club for our fundraiser. Without your help, we would not have had as great a success. Our next meeting will be on March 10, 2009 at the NEW "Lions Den" at Rancher's Grill. (For time and address see bottom of page.)