Friday, April 9, 2010

Convention Info:

Registration for the NM Lions Convention is due by May 5th! You may access the full itinerary and registration forms at <--- click here

Please get that in ASAP if you plan on attending the convention!

Lion David

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Wildcats Lions Updates!

Well, I'm finally updating the blog! I know it has been a while, but it has been an equally busy time the last few months!

  • Dog Show: Went very well! Tremendous thanks to Lion Toby for his leadership and direction on this project and to Lion Nancy for her securing so many fantastic sponsors!
  • Easter Egg Hunt: A great community service project for all! We hid over 1,000 eggs this year again and it was fun! We had about 40 kids ages 18 months-12 years old participate! Lion Maria was brave enough to dress up as the "Easter Bunny" for us.
  • New Officers: At the last meeting, we voted on a new roster of officers for Lion Year 10-11. They are as follows:
    President: David Valenzuela
    Vice President: Karen Schalip
    Secretary/Treasurer: Toby Soderberg
    Membership Director: Barb Rapp
    Tail Twister: Nancy Hollenbeck
    Lion Tamer: Wayne Krack

    Congrats to our officers! You are entrusted with the task of LEADERSHIP. Welcome Lion Barb to the list of officers! We have some great projects ahead for you (and us all)!
The next meeting will be April 6 at Rancher's Grill. We will NOT be meeting on the 2nd Tuesday this month.