Monday, April 25, 2011

Long Time Coming

Good Evening Lions everywhere! As I am certain you have noticed, I have not posted in quite some time. I'm sure it has irritated some of you, but I hope to rectify that tonight.

Our club is becoming more and more involved within the last few months, and for that, I am very happy!

We have been visiting the nursing home almost monthly and playing several games of BINGO with them. They are such good sports and seem to really enjoy the time they spend with us. Many thanks to those LIONS who are always present!

Our 4th annual Easter Egg Hunt went off without a hitch this past Saturday! OUR LARGEST CROWD YET!! It was great to see all those children having such a great time! Over 1000 plastic eggs were hidden and $50 in prizes was given away!

Our 2nd annual DOG SHOW will take place on May 7th at 2:00pm at Deming Intermediate School. Admission is free for viewing-- bring a can of dog or cat food if you can-- and registration is $20 per dog. All doggies are welcome!

Our New Officers for the 11-12 Lion Year are as follows:

President- Toby Soderberg
Vice President- Barb Rapp
Secretary/Treasurer- David Valenzuela
Lion Tamer- Nancy Hollenbeck
Tail Twister- Will Schalip
Membership Director- (3 year) Barb Rapp
Director (1 year)- Karen Schalip
Director (2 year)- Wayne Krack

Also, one last note, it seems as though we are on for the concession stand this summer! We appreciate the cooperation of the City of Deming!

I will be out of town for a few days. Please comment and I will get back to you all soon. My summer resolution: Update the Website regularly.