Thursday, September 25, 2008

September 23 Meeting

If you didn't make it to our last meeting, you missed a good (and short) one! First, we celebrated Lion Virginia's birthday--everyone sang and it was scary! Then we had a winner take all money raffle--Lion Dina won! (even though she was late!) Lion Toby provided a prize for a club raffle. It was a nice fleece blanket, two fall mugs, and a box of coco in a basket. Congrats to Lion Nancy for winning that! We approved payment of a pair of glasses and an eye exam for a young child who cannot afford them. Our club is proud to help him out. Everything is set for our breakfast this Sunday! Lions Toby, David, and Karen will be selling tickets at K-Mart this Saturday from 8:00am -12:00 noon. Here is one item of note, all Lions that attend the next meeting are required to wear a funny hat. The hat must be worn the whole meeting (except during the Pledge of Allegience) or Lion Tail Twister Nancy will fine that Lion $2.00!! However, regular Baseball caps are not a valid "funny hat". Also, if you don't wear it the whole meeting, the fine will still be imposed! So, pull out those "funny" hats that you all bought at the Duckraces, that hat you thought was a great buy when you were on vacation, or dad's hat that has been in the attick for years! This is your chance to show it off!
Our next meeting will be October 14 at 6:30. Please don't be late. It will be a by-laws approval meeting. See you then!--
Lion Secretary David

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